Like most good Christians and Hindus and Jews I was sickened by the goings on in Rochdale, that have been covered extensively by the media of late.However,I have been equally sickened by an article in the 'i' newspaper I read last week.In it Yasmin Alibhai-Brown laments that she was warned not to comment for fear of inflaming racial tensions.As part of her rhetoric she proposes that 'the rapists are all probably in one sense 'good' muslims' and also offers the re-assurance that 'most men who groom and rape young girls in Britain are white'.Well thanks for that Yasmin.But since you are so au fait with the definition of a 'good' muslim,can you tell me just how bad you have to be to be a 'bad' muslim.Is a bad Muslim one who refuses to rape underage girls? Is a bad muslim one who refuses to take down an American Airlines plane while simultaneously liquidising his bollocks? I really do need to know.How poetic if the rapists where fitted with 'Muslim Thunderpants' which detonated upon erection.Now that's what Lord Roby calls justice!
Upper Working Class Evertonian made good.Used to be Working Class.Hates injustice particularly by bent referees and detests bad service but loves life and all that it brings.Carpe Diem from the cradle to the grave and beyond.