Monday 27 October 2008

Cinq Evan 4 Petit Filles

As Chaz Az once warbled.....Lord Roby was viciously assaulted twice in the space of 20 minues in downtown Wallonia a few evenings ago.Shortly after entering a local hostelry by the name of "The Pilgrim" (no less).Lord Roby, after explaining that he had prior knowledge of a house of the same name in the backwaters of Liverpool,was assaulted with a potion of strange looking liquor.Amber in colour and barely above freezing point.He was obliged to swallow this liquid known locally as the "Duvels Brew" by a man known only as "Le Proprietor".Once this ordeal was "over" a copycat event occured.Two local studettes, reading scriptures from a strange looking tome,approached the by now light headed Lord Roby and demanded he chant verses in tongues(his native tongue); from this ghastly bible.Lord Roby duly obliged.Yet again, immediately after succumbing to this ordeal, a further yard of this potion was proferred.Not more icey yellow filth to imbibe.Was this ever going to end.Whats more, the Duvels Daughters where getting rather too close for comfort.The thought of Lady Roby analysing my cojones for earring piercings was enough to make one exit stage left; feeling very mellow and slightly bemused by this unsolicited attention.Vive Le Baps!!


monkey said...

I sampled this beverage in the Vegas, when the lady server brought this to me its was the size of a champagne bottle with a cork to match.
I drank through most of it while watch Tom Jones and by the end of his performance he had my undies in his hand.
It would be a good idea to stay away from this brew, its european voodoo.

Thud said...

Methinks you are having way to much fun...what about the economic meltdown?...the polar bears?...get a grip man!

Vinogirl said...

What the hell is the alcohol content of that stuff? You've gone bonkers m'Lord.

Lord Roby said...

Any more 8.5% beer and I might have ended up going bonkng m'lady!!!!!

Vinogirl said...

Ooh er missus!